Kratom company with a veterans discount

Way More Naturals is a company that prioritizes the wellness of its customers above the desire to make a profit. Therefore, we run multiple discount programs and special offers to put our products in the hands of more people.

For example, we have multiple sampler packs that new and existing customers can order for a small fee if they want to try out our product before making a purchase from our main menu. Also, new customers get two free 10-gram samples of different strains of kratom of their choice while existing customers can opt for a free sample every time they make an order.

The discount offer we are most proud of go to our military veterans. At Way More Naturals, we appreciate the sacrifices and hard work of our military personnel in keeping the country safe. Therefore, with a military ID, a veteran can get lifetime discounts on all our products. If purchasing online you can enter the code THANKYOU to claim your discount offer. And you need not worry about our kratom products, they are crafted to deliver a guaranteed 100% satisfaction.

What is Kratom?

But the important question for the novice here is, what exactly is kratom? Perhaps you must have been reading and hearing about the kratom herb recently and wondering what it is and why anyone purchases it. This article would make it clear to you.

Kratom is a herb that is native to Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, etc. Of course, the locals have been familiar with this herb since the nineteenth century, according to records. However, kratom is only just becoming popular in the United States. 

As a herb, kratom is sold in leaves, or more commonly, the leaves are grounded into powder and made into capsules. Since kratom made it into the USA, many companies have started dealing in selling kratom powder and capsules to desiring customers. 

Related Post: Kratom Legality Map USA.

Kratom Strains

Kratom strains have names such as ‘Red Bali’, ‘Yellow Sunda’, ‘White Malay’, ‘Green Borneo’, etc. That’s because kratom strains are categorized using two major factors. The first is the color of the leaves’ veins at the point of harvest which is also related to the stage of maturity.

  • Red-veined kratom leaves are picked when the plant is very mature. Subsequently, such leaves are dried under sunlight or using artificial UV light.
  • White-veined kratom leaves are picked when the plant is at the earliest stages of maturity. The leaves must be dried indoors, in complete darkness.
  • Green-veined kratom leaves are picked when the plant is at mid-maturity. The leaves are dried using a two-stage process, beginning with indoor storage and outdoor drying. Green kratom strains often combine features of the white and red strains in some proportion.

In addition to the color of the leaves’ veins, kratom strains are also categorized according to their special features such as location or the shape of the leaves. For example, Bali, Borneo, and Sunda kratom strains are cultivated in the respective islands after which they were named. On the other hand, the Elephant kratom strain is so-named for its characteristic large drooping leaves, likened to an elephant’s ears. Therefore, ‘Red Indo’ kratom, for instance, would refer to red-veined kratom leaves grown in Indonesia.

Is Kratom Legal?

Per federal legislation, kratom remains a legal substance in the United States. However, a few states and cities ban kratom while others regulate it, limiting it to people who are over 18 or 21 years of age. Most states do not have any specific kratom legislation and go along with the federal law that makes kratom legal. Kratom is currently illegal in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin as well as some cities such as Denver (Colorado), Jerseyville (Illinois), San Diego (California) Sarasota Country, (Florida), and  Union Country (Mississippi).

Besides these places, kratom is pretty much legal in the rest of the country. Before ordering kratom, whether from our samples or from our main menu, do ensure that kratom is not illegal where you are. 


”This product has not been approved by the FDA for human or animal use. The FDA has issued warnings about Kratom ingestion in humans. This product is sold with no directions or intended use. Content on this page does not claim or intend to claim any verifiable or beneficial use in humans.”

WARNING! This product has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and therefore, is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. See Import Alert 54-15 issued by the FDA for more information.

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