Indo Kratom vs Thai Kratom Differences

It is very easy to determine what marks the basic difference between both strains of organic kratom: Indo kratom and Thai kratom. The name itself gives the clue as to the location where each strain originates. As such, this is a comparison of a class of kratom trees that are cultivated in Indonesia and another class of kratom trees that are cultivated in Thailand.

Indonesia and Thailand are two major countries in the world of kratom; they can never go without mention. However, the differences between both strains of organic kratom go beyond their names and location. Therefore, here, we focus on the deeper differences between the two strains of kratom

Also Read: Differences Between Vietnam Kratom and Malaysia Kratom.

Indo Kratom

Indo kratom is one of the most sought after organic kratom strains and premium Indo kratom often serves as a standard of measure for other organic kratom strains. 

It is important to not be carried away by the variety of names by which sellers refer to Indo kratom: ultra Indo kratom, ultra enhanced Indo kratom, super Indo kratom, etc. Quite often, they are simply marketing tactics to attract more people. Moreover, those sub-strains are not usually very much different, unless they have been artificially enhanced. And if you read this blog regularly, you already know our stand about artificially enhanced kratom products and how they are of lower standards than organic kratom products. 

Instead, choose your Indo kratom according to the regular classification of kratom strains by the color of the veins on the leaves: Green, White, and Red. Of the three though, Red Indo kratom remains the most popular. In fact, among other Red-veined kratom strains, the Red Indo strain is regarded as top-shelf. 

However, you should watch out for low-quality Red Indo kratom, usually the ones grown via unsustainable farming practices. Quality Red Indo kratom from WayMoreNaturals is sourced via local Indonesian kratom farmers who only cultivate this specific kratom strain. Therefore, our organic Red Indo kratom rivals other top-shelf kratom strains such as Maeng Da. 

Organic kratom products at WayMoreNaturals; visit our online store now!

Thai Kratom

Thai kratom is another highly popular class of kratom products. There is a caveat here. Not all Thai kratom is directly sourced from Thailand; although, all are connected to Thailand in some way. 

Sometimes, the seeds of natural Thai kratom trees are exported to neighboring lands, such as Malaysia and cultivated there. This is mainly to take advantage of more favorable weather conditions. When this is done, these trees are still referred to as Thai kratom although their connection to local Thailand environment is only indirect. 

Also, it is important to distinguish between traditional Thai kratom strains and other strains known to be cultivated in Thailand, such as Red Dragon. Usually, Thai kratom strains are slightly more expensive. That is because they are of premium quality. It is also more mainstream anyway. 

According to leaf vein color, the various types of Thai kratom are as follows: 

  • Green Thai kratom: produced as a result of grafting; possesses advanced properties
  • Red Thai kratom: abundant trees: the most popular Thai kratom strain
  • White Thai kratom: sturdy trees; resistant to adverse growth conditions
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Each of Indo kratom and Thai kratom has its unique properties. What is most important is that here at WayMoreNaturals, we put in a lot of work to find the best premium quality of kratom of whatever strain. All our kratom products are sourced directly from local sources and they have been lab-tested during processing, for quality assurance. 

Therefore, you can never go wrong when you purchase kratom from us. Whether you buy Indo kratom or Thai kratom, you will remain on the right side because each type of kratom has enough properties to satisfy your needs. 

This product has not been approved by the FDA for human or animal use. The FDA has issued warnings about Kratom ingestion in humans. This product is sold with no directions or intended use. Content on this page does not claim or intend to claim any verifiable or beneficial use in humans.

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